Monday, June 20, 2011

DEB and OPI Black Shatter

  During my spanish final today, I took off all my nail polish.  Great right?  So when I got home, I chose to do a neon mani instead of the matte one I had wanted to do.
Blurry DEB picture. 2 coats. I really do love this color.  I just had a problem applying it today.

The two polishes. (DEB unnamed)

I love how the neon looked under the shatter :)

Favorite finger: middle one.  GIANT LIGHTNING BOLT!
  For some odd reason, applying the DEB polish was horrendous.  Like it was too watery at some times, too thick at some times, etc.  Really random.  And this polish isn't even that old!  Like maybe this past January or February or something like that.  Usually I get away with doing three or four thin coats but this time I did a thick one and a thin one.  2 coats DEB + 1 coat OPI + 1 coat (currently) top coat = 4 coats.
  Like I said, entries will come two to four times a week now.  I got a lot of untrieds ;).

Happy shattering,

1 comment:

  1. wow, DEB as in "the DEB"? i didn't know those stores still existed!


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